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Nutritious That Needed For The Older People

When a person's age increasing, nutritional requirements needed by the body will change. Here are some types of food  that contain nutritious that needed for the older people:

1. Foods that contain vitamin B12
Foods that contain vitamin B12 is needed for the body's red blood cell formation. Vitamin B12 into the body along with animal protein such as eggs or meat. Vitamin B12 found in supplements and fortified cereals, so it can be absorbed quickly by the body. Since the age of 50 years, you have to start eating cereals have been fortified.

2. Eating a banana
Blood pressure a person usually increases with age. To avoid the risk of stroke and heart attack due to high blood pressure, one must reduce the consumption of sodium and increase potassium intake. Most hypertension drugs tend to increase spending so as to reduce levels of urinary sodium and potassium in the body. Both are important for the body but more is required of sodium potassium such as bananas, broccoli and potatoes.

3. Burn calories
When a person gets older, the system will slow down metabolism, so your calorie intake should be adjusted. People will tend to reduce mobility in old age. This will cause excess calories that can increase heart disease, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes and so on

4. Adding spice in cooking
With increasing age, saliva and taste the power is reduced thereby reducing appetite. Try to add other seasonings that are free of sodium. Avoid cooked foods that are cooked because it will relieve. Add pepper or spices to enhance flavor in foods. If the intake of too much spice, you can reduce the adverse effects of these herbs to drink plenty of water and milk.

5. Drink plenty of water
One feels thirst will decrease with increasing age. The use of drugs such as antihistamines and blood pressure can make you feel dehydrated. People who use these drugs should drink more water to meet fluid needs. Dehydration is a major factor leading cause of death in older people. The Institute of Medicine state that women should drink 2.2 liters or 9 cups of water a day and men should drink 3 liters or 13 cups of water a day. Reduce consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol.

6. Increase your calcium intake
Calcium for bones and easily obtained in milk and other products. Experts say that people need more calcium in old age due to decreased levels of lactose in the body. Adults need 1,000 mg of calcium per day and should be increased samapai 1,200 mg for women over age 50 and men over the age of 70.

7. Increase the intake of vitamin D
Vitamin D the body needs to absorb calcium. This vitamin can be taken directly from the morning sun. Vitamin D-fortified foods can also help meet the needs of the body. Vitamin D is fat-soluble low-fat milk.

8. Lutein for vision
Many people in old age have impaired vision. To keep the eye is myopic or cataracts, lutein intake should be increased in middle age. According to the investigators, nutrient beta-carotene and vitamin A can help improve cognitive abilities. Leutin can be obtained from leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli, fruits such as grapes and oranges and egg yolks.

9. Eating fiber foods
These fibers are found in fruits, vegetables and nuts. Fiber foods can help smooth the digestion process. Fiber intake is important for the gut and can lower the risk of gastrointestinal inflammation. Fiber can also lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar.

10. Reduce fatty foods
Avoid foods that contain saturated fats. Start eating a low-fat dairy foods such as soy.

11. Restricting carbohydrates is not healthy
People need to maintain a healthy weight and maintain the pancreas by reducing the carbohydrate-containing foods are not healthy. Insulin is the hormone functions in the body are affected due to high blood sugar. Refined carbohydrates like white bread had higher levels of vitamins and low in fiber. Try to fill in a healthy carbohydrate intake by eating fruits.

12. taking supplements
Food is the best source of nutrients but it is difficult to satisfy the amount of nutrients needed by the body. Nutrition experts have formulated the food pyramid for the elderly and suggested to take calcium supplements nutritional needs are met. Calcium supplements, vitamin B12 and vitamin D is essential for health. However, supplements can be harmful to human body if excessive. so, be careful when you eat a food supplement in the daily routine. Should consult your doctor if you want to take a daily supplement.
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