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Foods To Reduce Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is a general complaint that experienced by pregnant women during two months of pregnancy, and continued until the fourth month.

For those pregnant women that often experience morning sickness, you need not worry. In a study there are three types of food that can be taken to reduce the effects of morning sickness such as nausea, dizziness, and vomiting, such as:

1. Yoghurt
with a slightly sour taste, is able to reduce the effects of nausea in pregnant women. Not only that, protein, vitamin B12, calcium, zinc, and potassium contained in it is also good to meet nutritional needs during pregnancy and increase the immune system during pregnancy.

2. Ginger
try to make a drink made ​​from ginger. The content of compounds such as gingerol, amino acids, protein, and resin, to reduce the effects of nausea.

3. Lemon
Only the lemon smell, the nausea can be overcome, especially if you eat the fruit of this one. Do not hesitate to give a slice of lemon in your tea, but it can also add lemon juice in a glass of water that were previously added honey

Eliminate Cellulite With Fitness

You are more trusted method of diet by joining in a fitness class? It is not wrong, especially for those who are often disturbed by the presence of orange peel on the skin or cellulite.

Cellulite itself is white streaks that appear due to impaired metabolism of skin. This situation can be experienced by anyone whether male or female, can also obese people or even that skinny ones.

Although many treatments are offered to eliminate cellulite. However, medication or treatment against cellulite will be useless if not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle to help eliminate cellulite, one of which is the fitness. The method body if this one is likely to be effective for fitness carried out in an appropriate manner and time specified.

The addition of a fitness instructor as well as to help guide what should be done. Choose the type of exercise to build muscle in the upper thigh, arm, and places that have cellulite.

Black Pepper Can Help Burn Fat

In addition to exercise, burning fat can also be helped by proper diet. One way is to put black pepper spice into a dish that will be consumed, because abortion can increase fat metabolism.

Since long, black pepper spices is known as that lot of benefits. From east to teach medicine, seasoning that tastes spicy or hot it could cure digestive disorders, pain and inflammation as well as various other complaints.

Although already in use for hundreds of years, modern medicine has not been revealed how it works at the cellular level. Therefore, a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry attempted to analyze the characteristics of the content of black pepper.

A Korean scientist, Soo-Jong Um that did the study find that one of the piperine content of black pepper can help burn fat. Not only that, piperine may also prevent the formation of new fat tissue so good for the diet.

Observations in the laboratory and simulated with the computer program shows, this content can affect the activity of genes associated with obesity. piperine was instrumental in the chain of reactions that keep the fat levels under control.

Although only a pilot study, the conclusion is an opportunity to develop black pepper as one solution to tackle obesity that plagued much of modern man. Later, if a patient wants to lose weight, your doctor may prescribe enough black pepper.

Problem of obesity is not only interfere with performance, but also could be a risk factor for many chronic diseases that kill. Diabetes and heart attacks are often preceded by obesity, even some types of cancer such as colon cancer easier easier to attack when the body fat content is less controlled.

Foods That Trigger Constipation

Constipation is a disorder of the digestive system in which an experienced hardening of stools or excessive stool making it difficult to be disposed of or removed and can cause great pain to the sufferer.

Many things that trigger constipation, among others, lack of body fluids or dehydration, stress or depression and dense enough activity, the influence of hormones in the body (such as menstruation), anatomical abnormalities of the digestive system, and lifestyle and diet that less regular (such as poor diet).

Food has become one of the biggest triggers of constipation. There are some popular foods you should avoid if you want a lot of constipation:

1. Processed foods
Frozen foods, burger or pizza can make the morning you will be hard for a bowel obstruction. When food is preserved, depleted of essential nutrients will be lost, plus the materials used such as flour or Maida is used almost in all the pizza, bread and noodles.

2. Red meat
Eating red meat such as beef or pork on a regular basis, without balanced with vegetables, you may experience constipation. Get used to eat red meat accompanied by a salad, cooked vegetables, whole grain cereal or something that is rich in fiber.

3. Caffeine
Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or cola can make the body hydrated and dehydration is one of the main causes of constipation.

4. Fried foods
Fried foods contain much oil and salt has some risk for digestive health, one of which slow down the digestive process

Jogging, Secrets of Long Life

This is one secret of long life that relatively easy and inexpensive. routinely running relaxed or jogging at least two or three times a week. According to the results of the study the scientists, this simple recipe and can extend life expectancy by at least six years.

As reported by Denmark scientists, men or women who do jogging regularly experienced an average increase in life expectancy between five to six years. The greatest benefits of jogging, the researchers say, would be obtained if a person do with a slow or leisurely pace, and enough to make breathing a little out of breath. Instead of running at high speed that makes your body work hard.

Research results that extend the life of regular jogging. The good news is you do not have to do it too hard to get the benefits.

Research on jogging, conducted Schnohr is part of the study titled Copenhagen City Heart Study. This study monitored 20,000 men and Danish women aged 20 to 93 years since 1976.

The team lead by Dr Schnohr investigate the average rate of mortality among 1116 men and 762 women who often do jogging for about 35 years. Participants also were asked how much time is spent jogging every week, whether they are running with slow, medium or fast.

Than the group who never jogging, the risk of death in both men and women who regularly jog down to 44 percent. The data show, taking into account the age factor, jogging can increase the life expectancy of men and 6.2 years longer and women 5.6 years longer.

According to the researchers, the ideal jogging is done for one to 2.5 hours in one session at a moderate pace. Within a week, jogging should also be done between two to three times.

Mouth Bacteria That Can Cause Heart Disease

Mouth bacteria that cause heart disease. There are many bacteria that live in our mouths, one of which is Streptococcus Gordonii. A recent study found that, the bacteria Streptococcus Gordonii into the blood stream can cause blood clots and lead to endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart).

Thus the results presented by research scientists from the Royal College of Surgeons in the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference, Dublin Ireland.

Streptococcus Gordonii is a type of bacteria in the mouth and has contributed in the formation of plaque on tooth surfaces. If the bacteria enter the bloodstream through the gums are bleeding, they will wreak havoc by posing as a human protein.

Researchers from the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (RCSI) and University of Bristol have found that the bacteria S. Gordonii is able to produce molecules that imitate human proteins fibrinogen, and cause clots in the blood vessels. Platelet clumping can cause endocarditis, or inflammation of blood vessels that can block the blood supply to the heart and brain.

With a better understanding of the relationship between bacteria and the risk of blood clots, it can help especially in the treatment of infective endocarditis do. Infective endocarditis is an infection of the heart valves, which are usually caused by bacteria.

In addition, researchers were also more extensively studied other bacteria in dental plaque that may have an effect similar to S. Gordonii. These findings clearly show how important it is to maintain oral hygiene and dental hygiene by brushing teeth regularly.

Health Of Tongue You Should Know

During this time, oral health problems just focus on just the teeth and gums. In fact, cleaning the tongue also has big contribution to keep your mouth stay healthy.

The tongue is an important part of the mouth, so you should not forget to always brush your teeth cleaned every time. Here are four things you should know about the health of the tongue:

1. The tongue should be cleaned
If the note, the tongue's surface actually has little bumps, called papillae. Surface of the tongue is where the harbor bacteria. a study from the University of Michigan School of Medicine found that about a third species of bacteria found on the tongue will not develop in other parts of the mouth (to be settled on the tongue).

Germs are stuck on the tongue can cause bad breath and affect the sense of taste. Excessive growth of bacteria on the tongue can turn your tongue yellow, white or even black and look hairy.

Get used to clean the tongue every time you brush your teeth. You can use a tongue scraper, a small tool designed to scrape the tongue. If you do not have a special cleaning tool, you can also use a toothbrush.

2. Deserve some extra care
The tongue is rarely cleaned in time they will begin to thicken and harden. You have to be careful when going to overcome it, because it is not likely to damage the tissues of the tongue. You can protect the tongue by giving moisturizing mouth spray or gel and wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then brush it.

3. The tongue can be affected by cancer
Based on WHO's cancer research data (GLOBOCAN 2008), oral cancer is a type of cancer most commonly affects men in Southeast Asia after lung cancer. Case numbers are relatively high because it is difficult to detect oral cancer development. Therefore, experts recommend to do the screening or oral health examination once a week (if aged over 40 years).

Check your tongue in the mirror and see the surrounding conditions. Check the bottom, top and sides. Look for any changes in the skin of the tongue, sores, white patches or red that do not heal after a week or two.

4. Tongue piercing will hurt your mouth
The oral health experts said the risk of infection due to a higher tongue piercings than tattoos. Researchers groundless because basically someone's mouth is full of bacteria, and when coupled with a metal jewelry in the tongue, will add damage to teeth and gums. Even the tongue piercing procedure itself (piercing) is known to be damaging the nerves and disrupt the sense of taste.

Smoking Effects On the Digestive Organs

Smoking is harmful, not only because it is associated with lung and heart health, but also interfere with other organs in the body, one of the digestive organs.

Smoking is one of the causes of acid and gas production becomes excessive in the stomach. The result, you may feel nausea, abdominal bloating and pain, although you are never too late to eat.

In patients with gastric ulcer or gastritis, leave immediately because of cigarette smoking will make your stomach bloated and also increases the occurrence of injury in the intestine or stomach.

Cigarettes also become the biggest risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Research shows smokers a chance of pancreatic cancer is three times greater than nonsmokers.

Why smoking is dangerous, the answer may already be known to many people. This is because cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, including various toxic in very small doses such as DDT, arsenic, tar, ammoniac, and much more. Cigarettes also contain carcinogenic substances or triggers of cancer.

4 Effective Ways to Avoid Heart Disease

Heart disease is the most sadistic killer. Every year, tens of millions of people worldwide die from the disease and there are millions of people who are convicted as new carriers. Unfortunately, most people do not know that heart disease is preventable through a natural and healthy diet regulation.

The experts from Europe that joined the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) in recent years to the study of patterns and nutrient intake in 10 European countries. The researchers also devised a means or strategy to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to researcher and expert author of Your Healthy diet Weight Loss Plan, John Phillip, the results of the research shows that heart disease can form one's early life and later developed into a deadly threat when they grow up. The good news is the risk of heart disease can be controlled and avoided by making simple changes in lifestyle and diet person.

EPIC research published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that a change in diet can reduce the risk of heart attack by 81 percent. Through setting the right diet, the risk of inflammation can be reduced and blood pressure under control.

The experts emphasized four important factors that could be done for someone to be able to avoid the risk of heart disease:

1. Reduce foods containing refined carbohydrates, sugars, and grains.
Processed foods have now become a staple menu every day. In fact, these foods contain simple carbohydrates are easily processed into glucose and cause blood sugar to rise in a short time. This is the trigger of insulin resistance and causes thickening of the endothelial lining of coronary arteries. It is recommended to gradually reduce the food of the type of bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods, and all foods made ​​from wheat or corn.

2. Limit the Omega-6 vegetable oils.
Vegetable oil or vegetable oil is relatively stable at room temperature and used in almost all the roasting and processing of food to add flavor and make it more durable. According to experts, excessive consumption of vegetable oils can also trigger the release of chemicals that increase oxidative stress and lead to damage to the vascular system. Should avoid the use of vegetable oils for cooking and limit eating fried foods.

3. Do not forget the Omega-3 fatty acids
Modern diet is almost never include healthy foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which in fact never been part of human diet for centuries. According to experts, the ideal ratio between the content of Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega-3 on the menu 1:1.

Advice from experts, enter the types of fish, like tuna, salmon, and sardines, nuts, and seeds to balance the ratio of your fat intake or by taking fish oil supplements.

4. Avoid oxidative stress
Akitivitas normal body like breathing, eating, and moving can produce free radicals that damage the genetic structure and cause the bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation. We can not prevent this process entirely. However, we can mute it by eating fresh vegetables, fruits of the kinds of berries, and certain supplements to suppress the effects of free radicals in the heart and other organs.

11 Things That Make Breast Cancer Risk

Some people feel the new must check the condition of her breasts when there is an immediate family member affected by breast cancer. Genetic element is allowing a person at risk of developing breast cancer. However, it was not just that. According to the International Women's Organization, there are other things that make a person's risk of developing breast cancer.

Here are 11 things that make breast cancer risk :

1. Have never given birth or not giving birth until the age of 30 years.

2. During pregnancy, especially during the first pregnancy which ended in abortion.

3. Using contraceptive pill before having a full pregnancy or using birth control pills for at least 4 years.

4. Have a history of breast cancer in close relatives (mother, sister, or daughter). Risk is greater if a relative has breast cancer on both sides before entering the menopause.

5. Have breast cancer in a personal medical history.

6. Have ovarian cancer or cervical cancer in a personal medical history.

7. Age: breast cancer cases in women are generally at the age of 50 years. Even so, today has started a lot of people affected by breast cancer since the age of 30, and even teenagers though.

8. Starting menstruation at an early age (before age 12 years), or enter menopause at the age of 55 years.

9. Running estrogen therapy for at least 5 years after menopause.

10. Consuming alcohol very much.

11. Obesity.

Food To Maintain Dental Health

To get a beautiful body like a Spanish guitar, of course you have to arrange all your diet. Similarly, the teeth, to get strong and beautiful teeth you should also set the type of food you consume.

Are you sure just by brushing, flossing, visiting the dentist, or gargle with moutwash sufficient to maintain the health of your teeth?. All the nutrients the body including the need to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Here are tips on the given site webMD a kind of food you can eat to maintain your dental health:

Black tea (black tea) and green tea (green tea) contain polyphenols, antioxidants that prevent plaque components attached to your teeth and help reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease. Tea is also potential to reduce bad breath odor by stopping the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath, tea also contains fluoride, which can protect teeth from damage layer.

Drinking with a straw
Most of the soda, health drinks and even juices contain acids such as citric and phosphoric, which can erode the enamel, although low in sugar (lite sugar) or sugar-free (sugar free). Drink the liquid type with a straw will minimize damage to the enamel.

Consumption of vitamin C
Vitamin C is the glue that can hold cells together teeth, just as important as vitamin C for your skin, but also important for health of your gums. People who consume less than 60 mg per day of vitamin C (or about 8 ounces of orange juice or a fruit juice that contains about 80 mg of vitamin C) in which 25% risk of developing gum disease than those who consumed 180 mg or more.

Consumption of 800 mg of calcium per day
According to a recent study, people who do not fulfill the need for calcium increases the risk of gum disease. The reason, about 99% of calcium in the body will be absorbed by the teeth and bones. Calcium requirements can be obtained through the cheese, milk, and yogurt. Recommendation that adequate calcium is 1,000 mg per day.

10 Small Habits That Trigger Diabetes

Our body is like a piggy bank. What we eat today will eventually be stockpiled as a result of savings in the body we can feel a bit by bit, in a relatively long period of time. We had never expected, if the food we drink, the food we eat, our habits will even trigger the onset of the disease source.

Here are 10 small habits that trigger diabetes:

1.Sweet Tea
A glass of the sweet tea contains 250-300 calories. Though the caloric needs of an average adult male is 1900 calories per day. This is what causes high blood sugar levels soaring. Yet the risk of excess calories. End: obesity and diabetes.

Substitute: Water, tea without sugar, or limit consumption of sugar is not more than two teaspoons a day.

2. Fried foods
Fried is one of the high risk factor triggering degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. The main cause of cardiovascular disease (PCV) is the blockage of coronary arteries, with one of the main risk factor was dyslipidemia. Increasing the proportion of dyslipidemia in the community due to the habit of eating a variety of foods low in fiber and high in fat, including fried.

Substitute: Nuts Japan, or a fruit pie.

3. Like snacking
A piece or more to replace a portion of biscuit meal is not a wise decision. Do not think that by replacing the portion to avoid obesity and diabetes. Sebabm substitute foods such as crackers, potato chips, and other sweet pastries containing high carbohydrate content and without adequate food. All the food is classified in a meal with high glycemic index. Meanwhile, sugar and flour contained in it have a role in raising blood sugar levels.

Substitute: fresh cut fruit.

4. Lack of sleep.
If the quality of sleep is not obtained, so disturbed metabolism. Research experts from the University of Chicago revealed that lack of sleep for 3 days resulted in the body's ability to process glucose decreased dramatically. That is, the risk of diabetes increases. Lack of sleep also can stimulate the kind of hormone in the blood that trigger appetite. Driven hunger, sleep disorders triggered by eating high-calorie foods that make blood sugar levels rise.

Solution: Sleep is not less than 6 hours a day, or preferably 8 hours a day.

5. Lazy physical activity
World Health Organization (WHO) says diabetes cases in the countries of Asia will rise by 90 percent within the next 20 years. In conclusion, those who are less physically active have a higher risk of obesity than those who diligently biking, hiking, or other activities.

Solution: Biking to the office.

6. Often stress
Stress just as a flood, must be channeled to avoid flooding
great. When stress comes, the body will increase production of the hormones epinephrine and cortisol blood sugar to rise and there are reserves of energy to move. Our bodies are designed in such a way as to the best of intentions. However, if the blood sugar continues triggered by prolonged stress with no way out, might as well commit suicide slowly.

Solution: You need to talk to the creator of the problem or perhaps confide to friends.

7. addicted to cigarettes
An American study involving 4572 volunteer men and women found that current smokers the risk of diabetes rose by 22 percent. It added that the increase in risk is not just caused by smoking, but the combination of unhealthy lifestyles, such as diet and exercise.

Substitute: sugar-free candy. A more progressive way is to follow the hypnotherapist. Choose a hypnotherapist who is experienced and certified.

8. Using the contraceptive pill
Most of the contraceptive pill is made from a combination of estrogen and progestin, or progestin only. Pill combination often leads to changes in blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Dyah Purnamasari S, Sp PD, of the Division of Metabolic Endocrinology RSCM, hormonal contraceptive pills work against insulin. Because insulin work unopposed, the pancreas is forced to work harder to produce insulin. If left too long, the pancreas becomes exhausted and is not functioning properly.

Solution: Limit the use of hormonal pills, no more than 5

9. Scared black leather
According to the journal Diabetes Care, women with high intake of vitamin D and
calcium at low risk of type 2 diabetes. Apart from food, the best source of vitamin D in sunlight. Twenty minutes exposure to sunlight in the morning is sufficient for vitamin D for three days.

Solution: Use a sunscreen cream before the "sun" in the morning sun for 10-15 minutes.

10. Avid soda
From research conducted by The Nurses' Health Study II on 51 603 women aged 22-44 years, found that increased consumption of soft drinks to make weight and the risk of diabetes soared. The researchers said the increased risk was due to the content of sweetener in soft drinks. In addition, liquid calories do not make us full, so motivated to drink more.

Substitute: cold juice without sugar

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