Goji berry or Chinese Wolfberry (Lucium Fruit) is known as the food preventing premature aging. Research Tufts University in Boston proves that contain goji ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). In 1988 research by the Beijing Nutrition Research Institute also concluded that the fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
Goji berries also contain Betaine is useful to encourage the liver to produce kolina to calm the nerves, sharpen memory, prevent the buildup of fat in the liver. Other content of this fruit is Physalin, Solavetivone, Beta-sitoserol, and Cyperone.
Another benefit of this fruit is as anti-fungal and anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, prevents prostate enlargement, as well as lowering cholesterol. Goji berries can also help with heart problems and high blood pressure.
If you have dry goji, if by way of soaking in hot water, then pressed with a spoon. Then, drink the water like a tea. The best is organic goji juice. Try organic goji drink for 14 days as much as 300 ml, every morning or evening on an empty stomach.
Effect that will come is increased energy, better sleep, feeling calmer and more focused. By choosing organic products, we will get a more complete nutrition. Goji juice are available at leading supermarkets. However, avoid goji berry if you are taking blood-thinning medications.
Try mixing some goji seeds in a cup of yogurt or sprinkle on a plate of whole grain cereal in the morning, such as oatmeal.