Headaches or migraines are commonly known as one of the most complained disease. This disease attacks sometimes come suddenly. Migraine sufferers will feel the pain and throbbing like a hit, pulled, and generally tend to be more sensitive to light and sound.
If you have ever experienced a migraine now need not worry. One well-known nutritionist, Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures mention that there are some foods that can relieve or even treat migraine attack.
According to Bauer, proper diet (balanced diet) can help manage, maintain and even stop the pain from migraine headaches. Here are five foods that can help relieve a migraine attack:
1. Eggs enriched with omega-3
Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids, especially the eggs can reduce inflammation suspected as the cause of migraine. In addition to eggs, you can also eat some types of fish, especially salmon, which also proved effective in the fight due to a migraine headache.
2. Bean
Nuts contain lots of magnesium, a mineral deficiency has been associated with migraine. Numerous studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headache. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts. Magnesium, which is contained in beans, protecting the body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect that is useful to relieve headaches caused by tension.
3. Skimmed milk
Skim milk is fresh milk that remains after the cream is taken partly or wholly. Skim milk contains all the nutrients of milk except fat and fat-soluble vitamins. This milk is rich of riboflavin or vitamin B2 is commonly known. Riboflavin has an important role in producing energy at various cellular levels. Lack of energy could be expected to trigger a migraine. This vitamin also has a vital role in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies in the body, and the release of energy from carbohydrate metabolism.
4. Flaxseed
These small grains have a high nutritional profile, and also contains omega-3 fatty acids are able to reduce perandangan due to migraine. Some studies have even seen a link between a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids with a reduced risk of hypertension, stroke, cancer, immune disorders and certain skin diseases problems.
5. Spinach
Almost everyone knows this familiar green leafy vegetables. Spinach is loaded with magnesium, a nutrient that has the greatest ability to prevent migraines.