Morning sickness is a general complaint that experienced by pregnant women during two months of pregnancy, and continued until the fourth month.
For those pregnant women that often experience morning sickness, you need not worry. In a study there are three types of food that can be taken to reduce the effects of morning sickness such as nausea, dizziness, and vomiting, such as:

1. Yoghurt
with a slightly sour taste, is able to reduce the effects of nausea in pregnant women. Not only that, protein, vitamin B12, calcium, zinc, and potassium contained in it is also good to meet nutritional needs during pregnancy and increase the immune system during pregnancy.
2. Ginger
try to make a drink made from ginger. The content of compounds such as gingerol, amino acids, protein, and resin, to reduce the effects of nausea.
3. Lemon
Only the lemon smell, the nausea can be overcome, especially if you eat the fruit of this one. Do not hesitate to give a slice of lemon in your tea, but it can also add lemon juice in a glass of water that were previously added honey