Women tend to be more difficult to quit smoking than men. A study showed that women's brains are more active non smoker nicotine than men's brains respond to non-smokers. This makes it difficult to leave her smoking habit if it has been exposed to nicotine.
When a person smokes, the nicotine receptors that bind to nicotine and smoking strengthens increased in number.

Previous research found that male smokers have more nicotine receptors than men who never smoked. But surprisingly, female smokers appeared to have the same amount of nicotine receptors such as female non-smokers.
"The main treatment for people who want to quit smoking is nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine patches or nicotine gum. This study shows that women who smoke may benefit more than other types of treatments that do not use nicotine, for example, behavioral therapies such as exercise or relaxation techniques, and through drugs, "said the researcher, Kelly Cosgrove, assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine as reported by Fox News