1. Eating at night makes you fat.
Fact: Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RD, CSSD., Nutritionist from Georgia State University, said, whatever the time you eat, when you consume excess calories and no diligent exercise, your weight will surely go up quickly.
2. Less fat you eat, makes better.
Fact: For some people, counting or reduced levels of fat can actually help control weight. But for them had heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, eating monounsaturated fats such as whole-fat dairy products, pizza, or salmon actually beneficial. Because the species is capable of controlling fat intake of carbohydrates that enter the body.

3. Fat-free equal to calorie-free.
Fact: When you eat fat-free foods, such as biscuits, milk, or cookies, you'll want to check food labels and the number of calories per serving. If you consume more than the recommended daily dose, this will not help you lose weight. Low-fat or no fat may still contain many calories. Moreover, the required additional sugar, flour, starch or thickener to taste better on the tongue. As an alternative, you can replace the fat-free diet with fruits and vegetables that are proven to lower fat and calories naturally.
4. Carbohydrates lead to gain weight.
Fact: Carbohydrates, such as potatoes, pasta, or rice, is not actually cause weight gain unless consumed in excess. The same is true for the protein and fat.
National Weight Control Registry study states who successfully maintain weight tend to eat foods high in carbohydrates and low in fat and total calorie intake to notice. People who intentionally by reducing carbohydrate diet and not eating foods low in protein and low fat will be easier even hungry. As a result, he was stimulated to eat to excess. The best way out is to replace carbohydrates with brown rice, whole wheat bread or whole wheat pasta which is a complex carbohydrate. These foods contain more fiber. However, when taking them, do not add extra fat such as tomato sauce or cheese.
5. Corn syrup causes weight gain.
Fact: This myth emerged in 2003 when researchers noticed that obesity increases with the use of fructose corn syrup. Though based on the evidence examined Rosenbloom, syrup commonly found in soft drinks and bread and other processed foods are not worthy of blame when compared to regular sugar. In fact, recently, the American Medical Association concluded, fructose corn syrup does not contribute to obesity.
6. Yogurt is the perfect diet food.
Fact: Yogurt is rich in calcium which can help reduce weight. But be careful, some of the yogurt consumed in the form of ice cream instead likely to fatten the body. You also must avoid yogurt with added sugar or sweet fruit because it can interfere with chemical processes in its yogurt. And one more thing to keep in mind that eating yogurt to lose weight should remain balanced with an effective combination of diet and exercise.
7. All dairy products is unhealthy and fattening.
Fact: Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt actually contains nutrients essential for maintaining a healthy body. Of them as a source of protein, iron, and some vitamin B. Some dairy products are high in calcium and minerals can actually help to get strong and healthy bones and reduces the chance of osteoporosis. In order for the benefits of the milk can still feel, when dieters consume low-fat dairy products like skim milk or semi-skimmed, yogurt, or low-fat cheese.
8. Margarine is healthier and lower fat than butter.
Fact: The content of fat contained in margarine as much as the calories contained in the butter. That is, they do not provide real benefits for slimming. To make matters worse, both contain unsaturated vegetable oil are harmful to heart health. If you really prefer the taste of butter note the calories contained in it while eating them. For example, do not store butter in the fridge and apply a thin layer only on one bread.
9. Select the honey rather than sugar when dieting.
Fact: Honey contains simple sugars around 75 percent and 25 percent water. This is what makes honey contains higher calories than sugar. Just imagine, one teaspoon of honey contains 25 calories while 1 teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. That is why, too much eating honey can cause tooth decay. But the honeymoon does not mean useless. The proof, of the flavonoid on the honey is useful as an antioxidant that may help lower heart disease risk in higher honey. Most importantly, do not over-eat honey.
10. Red meat is not good because of the high-fat diet.
Fact: It is often, right, we hear that when dieting, you should avoid red meat? Indeed, hell, excessive consumption of red meat can clog blood vessels. However, about half the fat in red meat can actually maintain the vitality of the heart. Because red meat contains the unsaturated oleic acid. In addition, red meat also contains various vitamins and minerals, especially iron, the body needs.
In conclusion, to avoid anemia, extreme fatigue, lack of energy, and shortness of breath when exercising, red meat consumption is necessary. Notes, choose lean cuts of meat and no fat and processed by roasting. This will help keep your fat intake is very low.
11. Do not eat before a workout can help dieters.
Fact: Exercise is very good in helping the diet. But you should, get your body strong enough while doing sports or exercising is not hungry. Stomach condition that "empty" it will endanger your health. Furthermore the study showed, after 20 minutes of exercise, it turns out people do not eat more than those who did not exercise. The only thing that makes them "feel" to eat more is a suggestion or a thought that says the food taste better. So, try to exercise when your body fit, yes.
12. Vegetarian diet helps you lose weight.
Fact: As with a regular diet, vegetarian diet may eat fewer calories, less fat and more fiber. But if not planned properly, the result could be equally high in fat and calories with a regular diet. So, regardless of whether you are a meat eater or vegetarian, it is important to keep referring to the daily calorie and healthy eating. Namely, based on high-fiber eating, eating five fruits and vegetables every day, choosing low fat dairy products, as well as low-fat foods such as nuts, eggs, and soy. Do not forget, less sweet and fatty foods as well.