Since the beginning of pregnancy, woman body has indicated a number of adjustments, including the increase in the hormone progesterone. This is to prepare for the growth of the fetus, during labor, and to be able to breastfeed the baby to be born later. Pregnant women should keep food properly to consumed, those foods must meet the nutritional needs of mother and fetus. Nutrients is necessary for the health of mothers stay fit and fetus can grow and develop properly.

Pregnancy Foods Tips First Trimester:
1. Fatty Acids Omega-6 (lenoleat acid) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Acid Alpha-Lenoleat)
Benefits: Omega-6 fatty acid precursor arachidonic (AA). While omega-3 fatty acids in the body is converted into EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). AA and DHA fats proven to be the dominant constituent of nerve cells and fetal brain.
Food types: omega-6 fatty acids such as soybean oil or olive oil. Omega-3 fish such as salmon, sardines, bloating, tuna, mackerel, fish alum.
2. Folic Acid
Benefits: One of these B vitamins play a role in the formation of the central nervous system, including the brain.
Foods: Soy beans, beef liver, Cereal fortified folic acid, dark green vegetables, oranges, apples and so on.
3. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Benefits: Helps release energy from proterin and help meet the increased protein needs during pregnancy.
Type of food: eggs and cheddar cheese.
4. Vitamin B 12
Benefits: 1) Maintain the working cells of the spinal cord, nervous system and of digestive tract. Thus the various cells of the fetus that has been formed to function normally. 2) Assist the smooth formation of red blood cells.
Type of food: processed soy products and tofu, milk and other products.
5. Vitamin C
Benefits: 1) To assist the absorption of iron nuts, fruits and vegetables. 2) Increase the absorption of folic acid, reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia, boost the immune system.
Type of food: oranges, kiwi, star fruit, bell pepper.
6. Vitamin D
Benefits: 1) Improve the absorption of calcium (Ca) and help balance the minerals in the blood. 2) For the formation of bones and teeth.
Type of food: salmon, herring and milk.