Drinking a can of sweetened soda may increase the risk of heart disease in men by 20 percent, according to some researchers. This was revealed after researchers analyzed data on nearly 43 thousand people who took part in a study in the United States. They found such a link after entering the control of other risk factors including smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and family history.

Known, the man who drank a can of soda a day had 20 percent higher risk of heart disease compared with men who do not eat them. The scientists also measured levels of fat and protein in the blood are an indicator of heart disease. When compared with nonpeminum, men who regularly drank soft drinks have high levels of blood fats so harmful triglycerides and marked inflammation C-reactive protein.
"This study adds to evidence that soft drinks sweetened adverse cardiovascular health," said study leader Professor Frank Hu, Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, USA. Tracy Parker nutritionist from the British Heart Foundation said, "We already know that drinking too many sugary drinks are not good for your teeth and lead to excess calories and make you gain weight, this is a risk factor for heart disease." However, further research is necessary to understand how sugary drinks can affect our heart health.