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Relieve Headaches With Yoga

Headaches can be treated by yoga, but it is better to consult your physician first. Headaches can be caused by various factors such as stretching of the eye, digestive disorders, allergies, sinusitis, fatigue, or due to bad posture. In addition to a variety of reasons, this type of headache and treatment also vary depending on the cause. Here are some yoga moves that can help you relieve headaches.

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Take the position of bending down with hands resting on the floor and placed in leg pulled back. Then encourage your buttocks toward the ceiling with a bang. Push the heel of both hands and feet to the floor and let his head hanging well down. Pull into the center of the spine. Then inhale deeply. Avoid pinching the shoulder. Encourage your shoulders away from ears.

Cobra (Bhujangasana)
Start with all fours on the floor. Rest your hands on the floor in a vertical position with the shoulder. Align the buttocks, back with the heel of the foot, then inhale deeply. Furthermore exhale and push the head and body into the cobra position. Do not be pushed by hand. Use the muscles of the chest and middle back.

Seated Forward Bend (PAAD-Paschimottanasana)
Sit on the floor and long, two feet forward. Raise your arms above your head, bring your hands to a position perpendicular to the ears, shoulders, and hips. In this way the condition of the spine is straight. Exhale and pull the body forward without bending or membengkokkkan central spine. Push the chest forward toward the thighs. Pegangkan hand to the calves, ankles or feet. Put a pillow on top of the legs and rest your forehead on the pillow to soothe the mind. Inhale and exhale deeply. Keep the neck long remain, and the shoulders pressed away from telin

Knee Press
Bend your knees. Pull the legs into the groin. Take a deep breath with chest and rib cage to the top. Exhale and press down through the inner thigh to the knee touches the floor. Continue to pull the leg toward the groin. Point your chin down to the bottom of the body. Stretch your head upward to elongate the neck and back muscles. Lower your chin to your chest and stretch the back of the neck. Inhale and exhale deeply.

Reclining Pose
Slowly roll the body onto the floor, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Perform eye movements. Close your eyes tightly, then open it wide. Turn the eyeball upward, downward and to the left and right. Rub the heel of your palms together until warm, then place it gently over the eyes and feel your tension melt away as she imagined the most beautiful memories you'll ever have.

Shitali means of cooling. This movement is safe to do anywhere and anytime, fits your needs.
  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Remove the tongue about 1 inch from the mouth, turn the tongue upwards to form a channel.
  • Suck air through the tongue of this (to a count of 5)
  • Take a deep breath, try the air flow over the whole tongue, from the tip to the base. Feel how cold the air touches the tongue.
  • After breathing in fully, shut up and remove it slowly through your nose.
  • The whole movement that lists different types of circuits. Increase the frequency slowly, it is recommended to 5-10 rounds.
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