According to papers, news and internet, breast cancer is a disease that specially targets women irregardless of their age. It is also regarded as the world's second lethal killer after cancer. For every 10 women, 5 to 6 of them will have a high chance of breast cancer.
Breast cancer usually occurs after women reached their 20s although in some cases, there are teenagers or even children getting it. It is when part of the breast cells become mutated and start infecting the rest of the body. Every year, there are millions of women around the world suffering from breast cancer given their frequent medical checkup statistics provided by hospitals.
The most common procedure recommended by doctors is mammogram. Mammogram is a treatment meant to examine their breasts for any symptoms of cancer. Symptons such as mutation of cells within their breasts. An early detection will certainly help women to have their breast cancer cured faster. If not, doctors will recommend various ways for them to avoid breast cancer.
So what causes women to have breast cancer?
There are several possibilities pertaining to this. Such as:
1. Women beginning their mentrual cycle too soon. The average age is 12. Yet some begin much earlier. Therefore their risk of getting breast cancer is much higher before they reach 30s.
2. Women beginning their menopause cycle too late. The average age is 50 and earlier. But for those starting beyond 50, their bodies will start to have adverse reaction since their hormones change too late.
3. Women eating foods with saturated fats and lacking nutrition. Lack of proper diet can also be a determining factor in them suffering from breast cancer. Without sufficient calcium and vitamins, their body loses the necessary resistance to sickness and becomes more prone to breakdown.
4. Women smoking or taking drugs excessively. However awkward it may sound, they will be inviting all the unknown germs to attack and infect their body cells simply through frequent use of cigarettes, drugs or medicine which they think they know a lot but really know nothing about.
5. Women drinking beer, cocktails, wine and other alcohol-related drinks excessively. This can have the most direct impact other than smoking or being addicted to drugs although there is no direct proof yet. Especially those who are say in nightclubs or entertainment circle since they have to entertain clients from time to time. Depending on their body conditions, not all of them have great tolerance in drinking.
6. Women with family history of breast cancer. If their sisters, mothers or grandmothers have breast cancer, there is a high possibility of them getting it too.
7. Women undergoing estrogen replacement therapy for various reasons. If they have been doing this for 10 years and more, the chances of them getting breast cancer are very high.
Whichever the possibility, breast cancer should not be taken lightly. An early checkup, consultation and detection from doctors will certainly help to manage or better still, avoid breast cancer. Failure to do so will result in development and infection of cancer to the rest of the body cells and by the time the woman fall sick and sees doctor, it could be late. As to how to avoid and manage breast cancer, I will be covering more on that in my next article.
But for now, I am just highlighting the 7 possible causes and how best to prevent them.
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