Not many people know that snoring including the dangerous habit. "Many consider it mediocre, but we need to realize that snoring can cause death," said a doctor in the show "World Sleep Day: Breath Easily, Sleep Well" which was held some time ago. Snoring occurs because the muscles in the palate, tongue, and throat, relaxes when we sleep. This causes the airways become obstructed and vibrate, causing snoring.

When viewed individually, basically all the things that narrow the upper airway that can cause snoring. "For example, if a person is overweight, so much fat that accumulates around the neck. That resulted in the airways become narrower, "said the doctor. Habitual snoring can also occur in people who have a crooked nose, frequent colds, the size of a large tonsils, or have a jaw that is too small.
But keep in mind, if someone snored only occasionally, then still classified as normal. New snoring can cause harm if it is caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), aka the blockage of breath many times that happens when we sleep. Sleep apnea literally means to stop breathing. "Most of the cause of OSA is a sleep disorder. While 95 percent of patients with OSA, are known to have habitual snoring, "said the doctor.
Stop Breathing While Sleeping
Snoring does not just make sleeping rough and disturbing your partner. Impact on health was apparently no less dangerous. Moreover, snoring is one indication of OSA. OSA occurs when a person has stopped breathing under ten seconds over and over while sleeping. "If someone is snoring, choking during sleep, thirst and dry throat upon awakening, headache, feeling tired but still had enough sleep, it could be that already have sleep apnea," said the doctor.
Continued impact of OSA is quite dangerous that can cause hypertension, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. The reason is when the airway has been blocked completely, a person will stop breathing within a few seconds and blood pressure will go up when he tried to draw breath again. Suspected high blood pressure can damage blood vessel walls so that the cholesterol and calcium are interested in and make the narrowed vessels. "The results that I made showed that 41 percent of patients with OSA have hypertension. So when a person with hypertension and snoring, suspected he may have OSA,"doctor said.
However, snoring can be cured if treated appropriately. The first step is to lose weight if he had been overweight. Consult further with the ENT is often experienced when breathing obstruction. "If the snoring only when supine, could also try to sleep on," said the doctor.
Another case when the OSA has been entered in the weight category. Steps should be done is to consult with your doctor to get proper treatment, such as installation of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway) is a tool that can launch a breath or perform surgery.
Continue to Snoring Danger Part II