On the morning a lot of people are busy preparing daily activities. But if you want to have a healthy body and mental should not forget breakfast and exercise. The experts said regular exercise and get breakfast is a smart combination to enhance physical and mental well-being better. Combination of breakfast and exercise in the morning can make a person more effective use of energy in activities and get the optimal nutrients, as quoted from Livestrong.

As is well known breakfast can maintain a healthy weight and help you lose weight. Besides breakfast beneficial to reduce hunger, promote healthy food choices and provide more energy to move.Although all kinds of good food for breakfast than not at all, but a bowl of oatmeal is a smart choice than foods that are too sweet. Healthy breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates, fat and protein Shat.
While exercise in the morning helps increase energy levels throughout the day. If you have long work hours or so grueling sporting events in the morning is the right choice.
Start with a brief heating to relax the muscles after sleep at night, then be continued with a session of cardio or lift some weights. To maintain healthy, do exercise 30 minutes for 3-5 times a week.
To Get maximum benefit, important thing is to set the time between exercise and breakfast. Try to allow time between exercise and eat a heavy breakfast, healthy snacks should be consumed before exercise.