If a child or teenager has a very strong pattern of anger, rage, arguing, and angry behavior, may have oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). As a parent, do not have to do it alone in trying to manage the child with the disorder. Doctors, counselors and child development experts can help.
ODD involves a therapeutic treatment, training to help build a positive family interactions, and perhaps medications to treat conditions associated with mental health.

ODD Cause
There is no obvious cause of ODD is unknown. The cause of ODD may be a combination of hereditary and environmental factors, including:
1. Disability or developmental delay in a child's ability to process thoughts and feelings.
2. Lack of supervision.
3. Inconsistent or harsh discipline.
4. Breach or negligence.
5. Imbalance of certain brain chemicals, like serotonin.
ODD Symptoms
It may be difficult to recognize the difference between a strong-willed child with ODD or emotional. It is normal to show oppositional behavior at a certain stage of development. ODD signs usually begin before a child is 8 years old.
ODD can sometimes appear later, but almost always before puberty early. When developing ODD behavior, signs began to appear gradually, and then gets worse with age.
Children may show signs of ODD and not classified in the normal moodiness if you have the behavior, among others:
1. Persistent
2. Has lasted at least 6 months
3. Disrupt the family, home or school
The following are behaviors associated with ODD, among others:
1. Negative
2. Challenge
3. Insubordination
4. Hostility directed at authority figures yan
This behavior can cause children to have regular and consistent behavior, among others:
1. Anger
2. Being argumentative with adults
3. Refuse to comply or request an adult
4. Intentionally interfere with another person
5. Blaming others for mistakes or mischief
6. Sensitive and easily distracted
7. Anger and hatred
8. Spite or revenge
9. Acting aggressive towards peers
10. Have difficulty maintaining friendships
11. Have academic problems
12. Feeling low self-esteem
ODD Treatment
Treating ODD typically involves several types of psychotherapy and training for children. Treatment often lasts for several months or more. Pillar of treatment for ODD typically include:
1. Individual therapy and therapeutic
2. Therapeutic interaction between parent and child
3. Cognitive training
4. Social skills training
5. Training for parents