ADHD is attention deficit disorder or attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder or mental disorder that causes inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. This disorder can occur in adults and children alike.

ADHD Causes
1. Changes in brain function and anatomy.
A brain scan revealed a significant difference in the structure and brain activity in people with ADHD.
2. Descent.
3. Smoking, drug use and exposure to toxins during pregnancy.
Pregnant women who smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs at high risk of having children with ADHD. Likewise with women exposed during pregnancy to environmental toxins such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
4. Children are often exposed to environmental toxins.
Children pre-school age who are exposed to certain toxins are at risk of developmental and behavioral problems. Usually these chemicals found in paint and pipes of an old building.
ADHD Symptoms
1. Difficulty focusing or concentrating
2. often restless
3. impulsive
4. Difficulty completing a task
5. disorganization
6. Mood often changes
7. irritability
8. Difficulty coping with stress
9. Relationships with others is not stable
ADHD Treatment
The best treatment for people with ADHD have not been found. Usually combined between the use of stimulant medications such as methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate) and psychological therapy.