Cholesterol is one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol levels will lead to the accumulation of fat or plaque in the arteries that block blood flow. Is cholesterol, always bad? Of course not, cholesterol is made up of several forms, ranging from good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. The following description is to get to know the types of cholesterol:

1. Chylomicrons
Chylomicrons derived from the fats we eat. Because fat is not well absorbed in their natural state, then the fats will be converted into a substance can be absorbed by the iron. When the fat through the stomach into the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreatic juices and fluids from the liver and bladder creating chylomicrons (which is mostly composed of triglycerides) by rearranging the molecules of fat and improve digestion. Furthermore, lipase enzyme will break down chylomicrons into fatty acids that can be used as energy or stored in fat cells.
2. HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein)
There are two main forms of HDL, namely HDL 2 and HDL 3. The second form of good cholesterol works to protect you from cardiovascular disease. Both of these types of HDL cholesterol is usually calculated simultaneously as the HLD.
HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream move and suck up the bad cholesterol (such as biological vacuum cleaner). HLD will bring the candles cholesterol from fatty deposits in arteries pebuluh, for further broken down in the liver. The higher your HDL, the better the cleaning. This process will reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. The point, the higher your HDL, the better.
3. Cholesterol, VLDL (very low density lipoprotein)
Just as chylomicrons, VLDL cholesterol is mostly composed of triglycerides. VLDL can be formed by splitting or chylomicrons produced by the liver. Furthermore, triglyceride-rich particles can be transported throughout the body to use as energy or stored in the thighs, hips, buttocks, and other storage places. Although high levels of VLDL is associated with coronary heart disease, but this type of cholesterol does not cause severe damage to LDL cholesterol. When the rate of VLDL (or chylomicron) increases, the triglyceride levels will increase good HDL cholesterol levels were decreased.
4. LDL cholesterol
LDL cholesterol is known as bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease because it inhibits the arteries. For those of you that do not have heart disease, it helps reduce cholesterol levels up to 110 mg / dl. Cholesterol levels can help you avoid heart disease. However, if you suffer from coronary heart disease, you are advised to lower LDL to below 100 mg / dl. At this level, cholesterol plaque from rupture, and the arteries free of obstacles. The point, the lower your LDL level is the better