When you're in the midst of many people, sometimes up feeling less confident because of the smell that comes from your body. If the bath is clean and the use of perfume has not been enough to overcome your body odor, maybe the food you eat cause.

Here are eight foods that can make you smell as quoted from thedailymeal:
1. Meat
In 2006, researchers from the Czech Republic sweat samples collected from the people who eat meat and vegetarian. The results showed that the sweat of people who eat meat more than the smell of people who are vegetarian.
If you're not a vegetarian, you can reduce the effects of body odor caused by consuming meat by reducing or replacing it with seafood or vegetables.
2. Curry
The aroma of spices such as cumin in a curry can cause body odor. Try using herbs from the family of ginger and cardamom as the spice curry, because it can leave a fresh scent on the body.
3. Garlic
Garlic causes body odor because they contain allicin, a compound released when garlic is cut or crushed. Once you eat garlic, allicin transformed into other compounds in the body that causes the bacteria mixed with the sweat and produce a strong odor.
4. Asparagus
Asparagus can cause your urine smelling as asparagus contains a substance that can break down sulfur compounds in the urine.
If you feel uncomfortable every time out of the public toilets because of the smell of urine that you leave, you can choose instead of eating asparagus peppers.
5. Broccoli and Cabbage
This vegetable is rich in nutrients, sulfur and antioxidants that help rid the body of toxins and cancer cells. But the sulfur content in broccoli and cabbage can cause bloating and make your farts smell.
6. Onion
Shallots have a sharp flavor. Once ingested onion, spicy oil is absorbed into the bloodstream, penetrate into the lungs, and causing your bad breath ..
To reduce the risk of bad breath caused by eating onions, do not eat onions in a raw state. Who had recently roasted onion is better because the oil contained in a spicy onion is reduced.
7. Durian fruit
After you eat durian, durian distinctive odor will continue to attach yourself to a few hours. Some people sometimes get annoyed with the smell of the durian fruit is too pungent.
8. Coffee
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and activates your sweat glands. High acidity coffee that will make your mouth dry. When the amount of saliva in the mouth a little, the bacteria grow, causing bad breath.
To reduce the risk of bad breath because of the coffee, you can try to drink herbal tea without caffeine in the morning.