Egg whites contain lots of protein, vitamins, minerals, glucose and water. The contents can reduce levels of fat, which in turn can be useful for treating acne. Eggs can be used topically (applied as a mask) on the face as an acne treatment. Egg white has a drying effect on skin, which reduces excess oil secreted by sebaceous glands and accelerate the healing of the stained area. In addition, egg whites can also be used to shrink pores, attract dirt and oils from the skin so as to prevent acne. Egg whites also contain the enzyme lysozyme, which can destroy the cell walls of bacteria and eliminate the infection, as reported by Livestrong, Wednesday (04/11/2012).

Bacteria found on skin infections like acne, has been protected with a tough exterior is composed of carbohydrate chains. Lysozyme is strong enough to break the chains of carbohydrates and the inner mechanism of cell killing. This enzyme is also regarded as an antibiotic, discovered by Alexander Fleming in the early 20th century.
To get the result, egg whites can be used and applied to the face mask. Here's how to make:
Gently break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks
Beat the egg whites until foamy and bubbly
Add a few drops of lemon juice into the egg white
Clean face and apply the egg white mask with fingertips in a circular motion gently
Avoid eye and mouth area
Let the mask dry on your face and let stand about 15 to 20 minutes
Feel the skin becomes very tight
Rinse with warm water and let dry
In addition to be used as a mask, egg whites can also be boiled and then eaten. Vitamins contained in the egg white will work from inside to outside the body, so that emits a healthy and glowing skin.
Egg whites are rich in vitamins that can fight acne. Vitamin B2 is a natural stress reliever, which in turn can also prevent pimples, because stress can increase oil production and cause acne.
In addition, egg white also contains vitamin B3 which can increase blood flow in the body. While the content of zinc can strengthen the immune system, heals wounds and helps regulate hormones. All these functions are very useful to get rid of acne.