Our bodies are not just able to absorb nutrients either from foods or beverages consumed, but can also respond to bad things like poison. In the event that there are known to detoxify. A metabolic process that reduces the levels of toxins in the body through urine and feces spending.

To maximize the process, there was a wide variety of foods that can expel toxin in the body:
1. Strawberries
mengoda red fruit has an abundance of vitamin C that can counteract free radicals. Other things, the fruit with the Latin name Fragaria X Ananassa Familia also has a compound that can help avoid digestive system of toxins.
2. Asparagus
This vegetable is a rich source of glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other hazardous compounds such as free radicals. Asparagus consumption may help protect against some cancers, such as bone cancer, breast, colon, and lung cancer.
3. Apricots
is a type of fruit is low in calories and loaded with beta-carotene. No wonder the apricot (Prunus Armeniaca) is anti-aging, boost immunity, and helps remove toxins from the body.
4. Rhubab
These vegetables are only found in large supermarkets. Rhubab contain the insulin prebiotic which is to keep the gut healthy. Another thing that can be found from rhubab, this vegetable can also be a natural laxative without causing side effects.
5. Broccoli
Green vegetables contain isothiocyanates that play a role in the detoxification process. Menghilangakan broccoli works by free radicals, keeping cells healthy, clean the lenders, and maintain healthy digestive system as a whole.