Fruits and vegetables contain many essential nutrients that are very good for health. This is certainly not new to you. But, have you ever thought of doing therapy treatment with the juice? This is certainly very interesting, because the drug is usually synonymous with something unpleasant. But, With juice therapy, you can restore and improve health as well as eating foods that you like.
Juice therapy is not new. Juice therapy has been used extensively in naturophaty treatment system to handle different types of diseases such as heart disease. Juice is also rich in blood money and a certain supplement without side effects. No need to hesitate, juice is a source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes richest. Research also has shown, those who live with juice, especially of fruits and raw vegetables, healthy living and disease without significant disruption.
Juice helps increase energy and relieve fatigue. In addition, the juice was also instrumental in the process of detoxification to remove toxins in the body. Juice will be digested and absorbed by the body in minutes. Well, after knowing the benefits of juice, do you doubt to try?
But first, you have to remember first, to gain maximum benefit, avoid bottled or canned juice. Juice often contain chemicals that can damage healthy nutrients. Better fresh juice you make yourself at home. Do not forget to clean fruits and vegetables first.
Juice therapy is useful in dealing with various kinds of diseases including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney and obesity. Not only this, juice therapy has proven to help overcome various other diseases.
According to nutrition experts, everybody should rest the stomach without losing energy by following the juice therapy once a week. On this day, you can eat different kinds of juice every 2 hours until you sleep at night. But, there is also a good idea to consult with your doctor first.
You want to try but still confused determine a choice? Here are some choices of juice with the benefits that can be your choice for therapy treatment:
Ingredients: Potatoes are believed to contain vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, niacin, vitamin C and even
Usage: Before you make the juice, potatoes that look once you have selected. Part of the color changes to green should be discarded because it may contain poison called solanine. It is better to also remove shoots that may have started to emerge.
Benefits: Skin the potatoes are rich in potassium. Therefore, these foods can be consumed after boiling without peeling the skin. Vegetables are also believed to be good for cardiovascular health. On the other hand, potato juice
can also overcome the problem of the small intestine and stomach. In addition, potato juice is also good for those who have problems constipation and hemorrhoids. Because potatoes also contain soda and potash, it could prevent the increase in acidity (acidosis) and keep the body alkaline.
In addition, because the content of potatoes is also believed to help remove uric acid from the body, then the potatoes are also good for people with gout. Potatoes and potato juice also look good in dealing with various skin problems, especially eczema. Therefore, potato juice can also be drunk or applied to the skin of the problem.
Usage: If you want to make a juice, it is better to choose a pumpkin that has been cooked, because it will be easier to discard the seeds.
Benefit: Pumpkin is believed to be rich in zinc. Therefore, this juice can help patients who suffer from prostate enlargement. In addition, the pumpkin is also stated to neutralize the poison. Pumpkin is also an anti-helmintic (lifting worms from the digestive tract). In addition, because it is diuretic, pumpkin can also relieve patients suffering from swelling, kidney stones and diabetes.
Content: According to the treatment aryuveda, tomatoes are a good laxative ingredient and the food is good appetite stimulant. Tomatoes contain CITIC, phosphorus, and malic acid which serves to cleanse the blood. Vitamin C in tomatoes is also not easy to destroy because it is protected by the acid. There is also a statement saying, intake of tomato juice better than orange juice, especially in children.
Benefits: Tomato juice is recommended for patients with diabetes and obesity because of their low carbohydrate content. In addition to be useful in treating kidney disorders, tomatoes are also good for constipation. Patients with low hemoglobin levels are also strongly advised to consume tomato juice because the iron content in tomatoes can be easily digested and absorbed more easily. In addition, tomato juice is also good when you are consumed
Ingredients: As many of the water content, watermelon is believed to be cooling and diuretic.
Benefits: Watermelon juice is believed to relieve stomach problems and relieve the sensation of heat in the stomach. Because it is diuretic, watermelon juice is also beneficial to overcome the problem of kidney and bladder. Even more interesting, watermelon is also believed to stimulate the rejuvenation process that takes place in the body.
Greens Vegetables
All green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is, in addition to functioning as an anti-bacterial and laxatives also contain high-quality protein. The content of chlorophyll and iron in green vegetables can be overcome anemia. Green vegetables are also rich in minerals which reduce gastric acidity function. The human body is essentially believed to be alkaline, so foods containing minerals consumed more suitable for humans.
However, those who suffer from bowel problems are not advised to consume green vegetables because the fiber content could harm them. Patients with dysentery and diarrhea also should avoid green vegetables. Spinach is believed to contain oxalate, and should be avoided by those suffering from kidney stones. These patients are also advised to minimize the intake of other leafy greens.