One type of migraine headaches that many complained. Migraine attacks was tortured because the symptoms are not just a regular headache. It is not yet known exactly what causes migraines.
Migraine attacks may be unique and different for every individual. There are some signs or symptoms that usually occur a few days before a migraine attack. Here are some common symptoms of a migraine attack that you should be aware of:
1. Evaporate
One or two days before a migraine attack, you may be more likely to evaporate than usual. For most, the condition is often annoying, but this can be a signal or warning to you to initiate the treatment of migraine. Another early warning symptoms that commonly occur in conjunction with evaporated is fluid retention, food cravings, fatigue, thirst, and personality changes, says Dr. Cowan.
2. Aura
Aura is the kind of effects that can cause visual disturbances. People with impaired vision migern usually in the form of black dots, lines, dizzy, and flashes of light. Vision disturbances (blurred vision) will have to watch out for signs of the emergence of a migraine attack. In the premenopausal women, the aura should be even more wary. Because the experience aura before a migraine may increase the risk of stroke.
3. Nausea
Some of the signs and symptoms of migraine are generally varied. Nausea is a key component of a migraine trigger. "If you have a headache without nausea, you do not have a migraine," says Cowan. Addition to nausea, other gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea should be wary.
4. Pain on one side of the head
Tension headaches or other types of headaches tend to cause headaches overall, or at least equally on both sides. Pain on one side of the head accompanied by nausea is one gejalaAnda not the type of migraine and other headaches. Migraine pain is generally more severe when coupled physical activity. Migraine sufferers may also experience pain as throbbing, feeling beaten up, drawn-tensile, fatigue, making it difficult to carry out daily activities.
5. Sensitive to light
People who have migraines often complain of headaches are accompanied by an acute sensitivity to noise or light. For some people, light, sound, and certain smells can trigger a migraine. Cowan explained that people who have migraines tend to have an overactive brain stem.
6. changes in sensation
Other migraine symptoms were a sensation changes. like to feel tingling in hands or feet, or numbness in the arms, legs, or parts of your face, all associated with migraine. This condition usually lasts for a migraine attack occurs. Types of physical sensation is quite worrisome and can increase anxiety and stress due to migraine.
7. blurred vision
Visual sensation of a vague or glare may occur at any stage of a migraine aura or migraine pain at the moment itself. Fraction of migraine sufferers experience aura symptoms such as blurred vision and other neurological changes, but not accompanied by headache. Changes in vision due to blood flow changes in your brain.