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Skin Disease Type That You Should Know

Skin that is the largest organ of the human body is the first defense of the body from bacteria and viruses. When skin is exposed to sun, dry weather, or bacteria, then the reaction will spread to other body parts, it can even result in death.

But you do not need to worry, most treatable skin disease. Therefore recognize several types of skin diseases and their causes.

National Institutes of Health says about 80 percent of all human beings ever have acne. Acne is one of skin disease caused by bacteria that grow on the skin and connects the pores with oil glands under the skin. Acne can develop if treatment is not done in the early stages of its emergence.

Eczema is a skin disease characterized by itching, skin becomes red, dry, and swollen. This disease can be caused by fever and allergies. Eczema typically occurs on the face, hands, feet, elbows, and the area behind lutut.Garukan against bagia body of eczema makes skin more itchy. People who eczema usually so sensitive to fabric softeners, wool clothing, and the weather is dry.

Psoriasis is a skin disease including diagnosis difficult. Common body part affected with eczema commonly affected body part eczema, plus scalp, lower back, palms, and soles of the feet. Stress, trauma, and low calcium levels can cause psoriasis.

This skin disease is not contagious disease, but is declining. Symptoms of psoriasis is the emergence of red blotches on the top there is a thick white scales and stick in layers. When scratched, the scales will fall out. At first, the skin surface area exposed to only small. As time passed, the extent of widening.

Impetigo is a contagious skin disease that is usually caused by bacteria. Children ages 2 to 6 years are very susceptible to this disease. The bacteria usually enter the skin due to insect bites, cuts, or scratches. Due to impetigo, skin becomes itchy, fluid-filled blisters, and so rosy. Cleanliness is very important for people suffering from impetigo.

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that can be life-threatening if not treated. This disease is a type of cancer that causes changes in skin moles. Melanoma can be very dangerous if it appears in the neck or scalp. One sign of melanoma is a mole that enlarges. In addition there is a change in the color of a mole as well as visible signs of inflammation in the skin around the mole.
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