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Ovarian Cysts Symptoms and Cause

Ovarian cyst is a fluid collection that occurs in the ovary or ovaries. The collected fluid is wrapped by a kind of membrane is formed from the outermost layer of the ovary.

Ovarian cysts are formed by a variety of reasons. Cause this is what will determine the type of cyst. Among the several types of ovarian cysts, follicular type is a type of cyst is most commonly found. Cysts of this type are formed because of the growth of ovarian follicles that are not controlled.

The follicle is a fluid cavity that normally found in the ovaries. In normal circumstances, follicles containing eggs will be open during the menstrual cycle to release an egg. However, in some cases, these follicles do not open the dam, causing the liquid that will become a cyst.

Cyst fluid that fills most of the blood that comes out as a result of the injury that occurred in small blood vessels of the ovaries. In some cases, cysts may also be filled by abnormal body tissues such as hair and teeth. Cysts of this type is called a dermoid cyst.

A woman who was diagnosed with cysts usually aged around 20-30 years. Usually women who have cysts, if traced his family tree, there are mothers or grandmothers who have symptoms similar cysts.

Symptoms of the cyst that produces hormones:
1. Having irregular periods, abnormal, and meetings in the period
2. There is the abscess, usually (but not always) occurs after one or more normal menstrual periods
3. Severe acne and very disturbing
4. Shrinkage of breast size
5. Experienced growth in male characteristics (virilization), such as growing hair all over his body and face, voice turned hard and deep, cilitorus size bigger.
6. Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)
7. Hair becomes thicker like a man
8. Barren or have no offspring despite having done the treatment
9. The content of the hormone insulin is very little
10. Mangalami overweight (obese).

Ultrasound examination is still the main choice to detect the presence of cysts. In addition, MRI & CT Scan can be considered but not often done because of cost considerations.

Some experts suspect ovarian cysts are responsible for the occurrence of ovarian cancer in women over 40 years. The mechanism of occurrence of cancer is still unclear but is recommended in women over the age of 40 years to do the screening or early detection of ovarian cancer possible.

Other suspected risk factors is the use of that function primarily orat contraceptives suppress ovulation. Therefore if a woman is fertile using this contraceptive method, and then had complaints in the menstrual cycle, it is better immediately conduct a complete examination of the possibility of ovarian cancer.

Generally, ovarian cysts in women of childbearing age will disappear by itself within 1 to 3 months. Although there is a rupture of them but will not cause significant symptoms. Cysts of this type, including benign and do not require medical treatment. Cysts are usually discovered accidentally when doctors performed an ultrasound examination.

Nevertheless, surveillance remains to be done on the development of cysts up to several menstrual cycles. If it was not so significant it can be ignored because the cyst will shrink itself.

Ultrasound examination plays an important role in determining the steps management of ovarian cysts. With the ultrasound can be seen the amount of cysts, cyst forms and forth.
If indeed ovarian cysts grow larger and cause complaints as a result of stretching of the organs around the cyst should be considered to perform surgical removal of the cyst. Do not forget to bring the tissue cysts to the anatomic pathology laboratory to determine the possibility of the cyst develops into cancer.
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