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Natural Teeth Whitening With Apple

Who does not love apples? The sweet taste makes us have no excuse not to eat it. But, you know, besides a high content of vitamins and nutrients, apples turned out to also have another function, namely as a tooth whitener.

Some fruit does contain a "bleach" teeth. "Natural acids and compounds astrigen, which combined with a wealth of fiber in apples red fruit make this a meal that is ideal for cleaning and whitening teeth," explains Jeff Golub-Evans, DDS, cosmetic dentist, New York University.

When we chew food such as apples, celery, cucumbers, and carrots, they can turn into a small toothbrush to help scrub stubborn stains attached to the tooth surface. In addition, these fruits also stimulate the formation of saliva, which can reduce germs in the mouth.

For you coffee lovers, now is the time required to make an apple as a meal every day. If we make an apple as a snack, do not forget to clean our teeth with a glass of water to eliminate sugars, acids, and plaques that can damage our teeth.
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