Rhinitis is a medical term for irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms of rhinitis are a stuffy nose, runny nose, and post-nasal drip.The most common kind of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis,which is usually triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen and dander.Allergic rhinitis may cause additional symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache, fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment.The allergens may also affect the eyes, causing watery, reddened or itchy eyes and puffiness around the eyes. Rhinitis allergy is a common disease that can strike anyone, any age. This disease can be cured within a few years but for life and can also tends to be lowered.wikipedia

Rhinitis Allergy Sings and Symptoms
The nose is sometimes very susceptible to stimuli ranging from dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, perfume, hair and animal dander, certain foods and changes in the air. Allergic reactions occur in the form of inflammation and excessive discharge.
Allergic rhinitis is classified by:
1. Symptoms duration, allergic rhinitis is divided into:
- Intermittent: symptoms less than 4 days per week and duration less than 4 weeks
- Persistent: symptoms more than 4 days per week and duration more than 4 weeks
2. Based on the symptoms, allergic rhinitis is divided into:
- Mild (normal sleep, daily activities, sports and leisure as normal, no complaints are annoying)
- Weight (one or more symptoms, disturbed sleep, daily activities, sport and leisure while impaired, at work and school, there were complaints that disturb)
Rhinitis Allergy Treatment

Rhinitis Allergy Sings and Symptoms
The nose is sometimes very susceptible to stimuli ranging from dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, perfume, hair and animal dander, certain foods and changes in the air. Allergic reactions occur in the form of inflammation and excessive discharge.
Allergic rhinitis is classified by:
1. Symptoms duration, allergic rhinitis is divided into:
- Intermittent: symptoms less than 4 days per week and duration less than 4 weeks
- Persistent: symptoms more than 4 days per week and duration more than 4 weeks
2. Based on the symptoms, allergic rhinitis is divided into:
- Mild (normal sleep, daily activities, sports and leisure as normal, no complaints are annoying)
- Weight (one or more symptoms, disturbed sleep, daily activities, sport and leisure while impaired, at work and school, there were complaints that disturb)
Rhinitis Allergy Treatment
- Medical. Medical treatment depends on the length and severity of symptoms. Drug that commonly used is the antihistamines H1 generation I, generation II , and if there are symptoms of nasal congestion can be added pseudoephedrine
- On persistent allergic rhinitis, antihistamines may be given generation II (cetirizine) long-term. If symptoms do not improve may be given corticosteroids or intranasal fluticasone for example mometason.
- Surgery. Surgery is only performed in selective cases such as sinusitis with air-fluid level or rice septum deviation.
- Avoid allergen