When hearing the word of aging, which crossed our minds are usually anything that has to do with the condition that starts sagging skin and wrinkles. But the real meaning of aging is the decrease of some function of organs.

As we get older, the aging process will continue to happen, but we often do not realize it. Phases of aging in human life is actually divided into three phases, namely the subclinical phase (which occurs when a human aged 25-35 years), the transition phase (ages 35-45), and the clinical phase (above 45 years).
Subclinical phase
In the subclinical phase, human body is experiencing the aging process, but often not recognized because there are no accompanying symptoms.
Transition phase
Meanwhile, the phase transition, the symptoms of aging begin to appear. In this phase, the hormone the body will have declined by 25 percent, blood sugar began to increase, muscle mass becomes smaller, and began to have problems in heart and obesity.
Clinical phase
When someone enters the clinical phase, further signs of the aging process more visible. The signs of the most obvious of which are impaired absorption of nutrients and minerals, decreased bone density, from the appearance of symptoms of chronic disease, and decreased sexual function. In this phase, it is usually the person is already starting to feel old, especially when the children are married and have grandchildren.
Every human that can not be separated from the process of aging, but aging can be prevented or inhibited. One way is to use antioxidants that prevent free radicals and prevent damage to cells or tissues.
Basically, every human has a natural antioxidant found in every cell in the body tissues, such as Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), catalase, gluthatione peroxidase, and so forth. The natural antioxidants will directly deal with free radicals and form a protective shield for your body.
However, the older the person, the amount of natural antioxidants produced by the body starts to decrease, whereas the number of free radicals continue to rise, partly because exposure to pollution and preservatives found in food. Therefore, it takes an additional intake of antioxidants, either from food, beverages and supplements.
Antioxidant supplements are still necessary, especially if you can not eat vegetables or fresh fruit every day and tend to eat high-fat foods, smoking, drinking alcohol, physical activity is too heavy, has a psychological burden, and live in a polluted environment.
Another way to slow the aging process is to do a detoxification (neutralizing toxins in the body), diet (reducing fat intake), physical exercise, reducing stress, and the harmonization of the hormone.