Pregnancy is a beautiful gift given by the lover every woman in the world. This provision would be maintained properly in order to give birth to generations of quality.

Healthy lifestyle and support the intake of foods that are nutritious and balanced is a key that must be considered by every pregnant woman. The principle of a healthy diet with a balanced diet during pregnancy not only makes the fit and healthy pregnant women but also important for the development of the fetus in the womb.
In principle, a healthy diet should include a 3 J (amount, schedule, and type). Here is a 3 (three) principles of healthy eating a balanced diet during pregnancy:
In pregnant women, food intake should match the energy coming out. Inge explained, to balance between energy in and out, the mother must remain active and feeding. Why the move? Because pregnant women with obesity, said Inge, is very susceptible to various health problems like hardening of the arteries, fatty liver, diabetes, sleep apnea (sudden death) and knee pain.
This all can happen if the mother fat. Obesity is a disease. Therefore, when giving birth and birth mothers completed shall consider eating. Postpartum, the mother must also provide breast milk. The amount of feeding about 750 cc, so that at the time of lactation, the amount of food intake that must be satisfied about 100-1700 calories.
Based on the schedule, diet when pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should be adequate for at least 3 meals and 2 great light meal. Inge insists, as long as there is still nursing a namanaya skip meals. Which must be reduced is the amount of calories, but it should still be sufficient to meet the needs of breastfeeding.
After passing through the 6 months of breastfeeding, the new mother may go on a diet, but it is not advisable to skip breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Eat a balanced nutrient composition varies with species. When you eat the rice, then the partner should be protein (animal and vegetable). Avoid fried food consumption during pregnancy. How with fruits and vegetables? Fruit and vegetables should get a share of at most about 25-30 grams a day. To be able to meet the fruit and vegetable intake 30 grams a day, every breakfast, lunch, and dinner must be equipped with fruits and vegetables, as well as a light meal.