All people, especially women often hear the word of premature aging. Actually what is the meaning of aging? And what are the factors that cause premature aging?
Premature aging is the process of skin aging faster than it should. Any form of premature aging that can occur and the skin areas which are likely to be rapidly aging? Form of premature aging that arise wrinkles, rough and dull, veins appear on the face, skin color tend to be dark or uneven skin on the face, neck and in the folds of the elbow. These events can be experienced at a relatively young age, even at the early age of 20. This is usually due to various internal and external factors. Internal factors caused by the disruption of the body. For example, factors of drugs and prolonged illness, and lack of nutrition. While external factors due to sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke, unhealthy foods and so forth.

Is aging inevitable? The answer is they can! The skin consists of layers of the structure of living cells. When the production of collagen decreases with age, its impact is increasing the "dry skin" as well as decreased elasticity properties. This is the dermis layer is responsible for elasticity and smoothness properties of the skin (skin smoothness) which is the key to so-called "young."
Aging skin is basically divided into two major processes, namely the aging of chronology (chronological aging) and photo aging. Chronological aging is shown of the changes in the structure and metabolic function of the skin as well as the continuation of the age. These processes include, skin becomes dry and thin; smooth wrinkles, the skin pigmentation (age spots). While the process of photo-aging is a process that involves loss of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin due to exposure to the sun's UV rays. Exposure to excessive UV rays can cause skin damage caused by the advent of enzyme proteolysis of free radicals are formed. These enzymes then break the collagen and connective tissue under the skin dermis.
After knowing the facts and the aging process, then we need to do the right thing to do 'skin rejuvenation' or rejuvenate the skin. Any appropriate action to deal with premature aging is to do a treatment and use the right anti aging products. Treatment and whether the right product? Treatment can be done with chemical peeling. Chemical peels to exfoliate the action by using one or more ingredients exfoliate the skin that causes damage to the epidermis and dermis which was followed by regeneration of the emergence of a new epidermis and dermis.
Then use the serum vitamin C is a skin care product that is right because it is useful to slow the aging process and disguise wrinkles (wrinkles) on the skin. Besides technological advances have also found a laser beam and photo rejuvination. Photo rejuvenation is done by using a beam, can be a laser beam or Intense Pulse Light (IPL) which is antiinvasi veestetik irradiation without causing injury. After cleaning the face, photo rejuvenation performed for 20-30 minutes.
Photo rejuvenation is useful for blood flow to the skin. Light therapy to stimulate the growth of new collagen, so the structure of firmer skin and shrink pores, but it can camouflage pigment. In general, this treatment has no side effect. For maximum results, it can be done routinely every 2-4 weeks.
Medicinal products such as cream morning and night creams as prescribed also be supporting the skin rejuvenation program is very valuable. This cream is like a 'anthem' that must be worn when doing skin care. Pro gram of skin rejuvenation can not be done only once and will last forever, alias magic. The skin is not as dead stuff that will be ignored just like that, so the process of removing dead skin cells and care must be done continuously.