All food allergies are caused by the reaction of the immune system. The immune system identifies certain egg proteins as harmful substances, which can trigger the production of antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE) to neutralize the protein (allergen). When he came back to eat soy, IgE antibodies recognize it and give signals to the immune system to release histamine and other chemicals.

Egg allergy is one of the most common food allergy occurs mainly in children. As adults, most allergic to eggs will be lost, but a small part of this allergy will persist. Egg allergy symptoms are basically the same as the symptoms caused by other food allergies. Most people will experience only a mild reaction but can also show severe symptoms in some people who are very sensitive. Egg allergy symptoms the most common is the onset of eczema. Eczema is a skin problem that often occurs in children. Egg allergies can also cause itching. Reaction hives usually appear quickly and will disappear by itself after a few days.
Egg Allergy Causes
Causes of egg allergy associated with the human immune system. Eggs that consumed will be identified by the immune system as foreign things and makes an overreaction. The immune system release histamine and other chemicals to fight zan eggs that go into our bodies. Egg has two basic parts, namely, the egg yolks and whites of eggs. Which becomes the dominant factor is the risk of allergy triggers egg whites.
Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of egg allergy is actually dependent on a person's immune system, there is rapid and there is a long time. Each person has vary egg allergy symptoms. These symptoms appeared after some minutes to several hours after eating eggs or foods containing eggs. Egg allergy symptoms include:
Because the eggs are very familiar with our daily lives. In fear of having an egg allergy does not understand how to prevent it. Here are some ways of preventing an egg allergy:
Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of egg allergy is actually dependent on a person's immune system, there is rapid and there is a long time. Each person has vary egg allergy symptoms. These symptoms appeared after some minutes to several hours after eating eggs or foods containing eggs. Egg allergy symptoms include:
- Skin inflammation
- Shortness of breath.
- Disorders of the digestive function.
- Inflammation of the throat.
- Watery eyes, runny nose.
Because the eggs are very familiar with our daily lives. In fear of having an egg allergy does not understand how to prevent it. Here are some ways of preventing an egg allergy:
- Avoid eating eggs, or foods containing eggs.
- We recommend you read the kita buy food composition whether or not containing eggs.
- Wait until your child is age 2 years, some research suggests this.
- Should not eat eggs but the strict supervision by a physician.
- Consumption of some vitamins as we know it was enough to help reduce the incidence of allergies such as Vitamin A, B, C, E.
- Eggs are a good source of nutrition for the body, if the above instructions your doctor can not eat eggs, you should consult your doctor for an egg substitute foods nutritional value comparable to the egg.