Sugar is a food additive that can provide a sweet taste. But should begin to limit your sugar intake, because too much sugar can make the face look older.
"We have noticed other factors, and known to the higher glucose in the blood, the more visible face of the person's parents," said Dr. David Gunn, a scientist, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (05/04/2012).
Dermatologists had been agreed that a diet or a high consumption of sugar can be a disaster for the face. There is no point in someone spends a lot of money to buy expensive face cream if he still ate a lot of sugar.

"You are able to protect and moisturize the skin from the outside by using the cream. But you also need to nourish and stimulate skin cell growth that is stronger and better from the inside, but sugar can sabotage it," says Dr Aamer Khan, cosmetic dermatologist and medical director of the Harley Street Skin Clinic.
This is because sugar can make the skin lose elasticity and elastic quality which is the basis of a person can look younger. This process is called glycation.
Incoming sugar will stick to any protein in the body and produce harmful molecules called 'advanced glycation end products'. These molecules will reduce the effectiveness of collagen and elastin and protein in the skin that helps maintain a youthful appearance.
"Collagen makes skin containing, elastin gives skin elastitas. If people continue to eat foods high in sugar, then the collagen and elastin will be rigid so that the wrinkles more easily formed and the cells in the skin is more difficult to repair the damage that normally occurs," said Dr Ross Perry , cosmetic doctors in the clinic Cosmedics, London.
Dr Perry said there are collagen types I, II and III and healthy skin requires an appropriate combination of the three. But sugar encourages collagen type III to type I are more fragile, resulting in damaged skin, thinner, more easily wrinkled and more susceptible to the damaging effects of ultraviolet light and the environment.
Unfortunately there is no simple way to reduce sugar intake. But try to avoid foods with high glycemic index (quickly broken down into sugar by the body), minimizing the consumption of refined carbohydrates in cakes, biscuits and white bread.
Then multiply the foods that have a low glycemic index such as chocolate, pasta, brown rice and whole wheat bread. The goal is to ensure that sugar is formed less than 10 percent of the total diet.
"How much tolerance of glycation depends on age, metabolism and exercise time. Reduce intake of sugar will quickly see the benefits such as the skin becomes dry quickly and look brighter," said Dr Khan.