Every human being has the red blood cells by the millions and even billions of cells in the body. In it, there is hemoglobin that would make human blood is red. This hemoglobin functions as a medium for transport of oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.
Anemia is the result of transport will be disrupted and the patient's body tissue deficiency anemia will result in oxygen for energy. It is not surprising that symptoms of anemia is indicated by feel tired, pale, restless, and sometimes crowded.

Anemia Causes
A common cause of anemia among others, iron deficiency, intestinal bleeding, bleeding, genetic deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid drawback, bone marrow disorders.
If a person's hemoglobin level dropped, she had anemia. To find out the deficiencies can be detected from hemoglobin levels with blood tests in the laboratory. Blood examination includes the examination of red blood cells (RBC), hematocrit, hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC), a component of white blood cells, and platelets.
Anemia Symptoms
Symptoms are often experienced by people with anemia, among others, fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and the head was floating. If the anemia gets worse, can lead to stroke or heart attack.
Anemia Treatment
People with anemia can take iron supplements to restore the deficiency of red blood cells. In addition, vitamin B12 is also needed. A last resort if it has reached the stage of acute anemia is a blood transfusion.