In addition to keep food choices, there are some easy ways to keep and improve healthy heart. Holly Andersen, Director of Education at the Ronald O Perelman Heart Foundation of New York provides an easy 5-step applied in keeping healthy heart:

Step 1: Know the numbers
First of all, it's worth knowing how the numbers of blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in your body. That way, you will be encouraged to change some habits and begin to notice the heart.
Step 2: Start walking
Exercise is the key to eternal youth. Walking in the light for 20-30 days a week would not be too burdensome. If lazy, try to know this, effective way to reduce the risk of mild heart disease by 50 percent
Step 3: Laughing
Laughing is the most potent drug. Laughing for 15 minutes is equivalent to doing aerobics for 30 minutes with the same manfat for your cardiovascular. In addition, note also that the laughing healthy blood vessel function, increased hormones in the brain that helped improve mood and reduce pain and anxiety.
Step 4: Focus on the waist, rather than weight
Waist circumference is a more appropriate benchmark to determine your overall health than weight. Because the fat on the waist could affect many things such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and high risk.
Step 5: Sleep well at nights
Sleep is actually one of the most crucial activity of our routine because of its crucial role for health. The purang sleep will increase blood pressure, trigger stress, increase appetite and slow metabolism. So start toward a healthy heart from now.