What Is Prostate
The prostate gland is shaped and sized like a walnut and located below the bladder, surrounding the urethra (the urethra). The prostate gland produces fluid that serves to later be expelled with sperm when ejaculation.
The prostate gland is one of the male reproductive organ. Fluid, secreted by the prostate gland to help nourish the sperm and help fertility. Developments such as the prostate gland taken from malehealth.co.uk medicastore, starting with the size of a pea in the newborn and growing very slowly until puberty, then increased 2-fold. By the age of 40 years, enlarged prostate gland will usually return. Factors affecting the development and function of the prostate gland consists of many hormones, but most of all male sexual hormones, namely testosterone.

Prostate Health Problem
According to a survey conducted in Britain by the Prostate Cancer Charity (PCC) in men aged 45 years and over, as taken from nhs.uk. medicastore About 70% of the respondents did not know at all about the prostate and the symptoms of prostate cancer.It can sometimes be enlarged prostate gland with age, especially over the age of 50 years. for some men, it is not a sign of a problem. However, in some cases, enlargement of the prostate gland can squeeze the urethra, causing obstruction of the urinary tract which is also known as benign prostate enlargement or BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Other health conditions that may occur in the prostate gland is an inflammation of the gland, which can be caused by an infection or also known as prostatitis. This inflammation can lead to painful urination. Sometimes cells in the prostate gland can multiply himself beyond the pale & develop into cancer.
Here are some signs that may indicate a problem with the prostate :
- Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night and urinate process need a long time to complete.
- Pain during urination or intercourse.
Other Prostate symptoms that may occur but rarely experienced, are:
- Back pain.
- Blood in urine.
Many men over age 70 have prostate cancer, although many of those who do not experience symptoms or check themselves. In most cases (80%), prostate cancer grows slowly, so it is not diagnosed because they do not show any symptoms or health problems. But in some other cases (20%), prostate cancer cells can grow rapidly and spread outside of the prostate gland, causing cancer in other organs, such as the bone.
Prostate FAQ
Here are some things that are frequently asked to the doctor about prostate health, especially prostate cancer:How prostate cancer can affect sexual desire?
Treatment of prostate cancer can affect sexual arousal. Hormone therapy or procedure provided removal of the testes can cause loss of sexual interest. But in the case of treatment with hormone therapy, sexual desire may return after treatment is discontinued, although it sometimes takes up to one year to return to normal.
Is therapy for prostate cancer can cause erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction in short and long term, commonly experienced after surgical removal of the prostate gland (prostatectomy). Erectile dysfunction can also occur after undergoing radiotherapy or brachytherapy.
When the test PSA (prostate-specific antigen) / test for prostate cancer necessary?
If included men, aged over 50 years, the PSA test should be done even though it have no symptoms. Black man or men who have a family history of prostate cancer have a higher risk for prostate cancer. For further information about the PSA test, or whether to conduct such tests or not, can consult your doctor.
Is there a vaccine for prostate cancer?
There is research evidence that new therapies that stimulate the immune system called sipuleucel-T, can enhance the durability men with advanced prostate cancer. However, new therapies are tested on several hundred men who had cancer and the response has not been obtained in accordance with required standards.
Get the pattern of food reduces the risk of prostate cancer?
There are some doctors who believe that a diet low in fatty foods (especially animal fat) and high in vegetables, cereals, and fish may help protect against the risk of prostate cancer. Although the diet is good for health, but there is no real evidence that it can prevent prostate cancer.